The four seasons cycle every year in a predictable way; spring precedes summer which precedes fall; winter follows and then…
My personal tutorial in healthcare economics lets me make a few eye-opening observations about health insurance for individuals residing in…
Open enrollment for health insurance policies occurs every year. During this time period and only during this time period a…
Self-administered medications are not a covered Medicare part “B” benefit. In 2003 Congress passed the Medicare Prescription Drug and Modernization…
Medicare Part C is known widely by its moniker Medicare Advantage plan. These plans are purchased from commercial insurance companies…
Medicare Part “B” is different from bothPart “A” and from commercial insurance. Unlike Part “A” Medicare individuals pay a monthly…
There are two kinds of Medicare. The 1965 type is called “Original” and the newer version is named Medicare part…
When I talk to people about my experiences with healthcare fraud and warn them to remain vigilant, inevitably I direct…
The US citizen, healthy or sick, needs to adjust his view of his position in the healthcare industry. If the…
So what if your provider files false claims on you? Your insurance company will make it right…..right? In healthcare, the…
The majority of healthcare fraud is committed by a small minority of dishonest healthcare providers with the only “red flag”…
Educated healthcare consumers acquire the knowledge necessary to be effective advocates for themselves. Below are a few quick tips and…
Since “healthcare speak” is often as foreign sounding as a second language, you practically need a phrase book when trying…
Keep it simple. Ask for reform that: Requires patient consent forms be written at a 6th to 8th grade reading…
When a consent is slid across the receptionist’s desk with the words “sign this; it let’s us take care of…