- When the surgeon dictated at 4:21 p.m. his document titled “history and physical,” he decided he wanted an imaging study. The time on the imaging request is one minute later, at 4:22 p.m. I was not told about this appointment; I was not there.
- Six weeks later I did see him in his office. I asked a technical question about the surgical procedure; it was actually two procedures. The order dictated in the document titled “operative report” is “A” preceding “B”; this order means he contaminated a clean or sterile site “B” with a dirty site “A”. His reply to my inquiry “the order of procedures was “B” before, not after “A”. He peer reviewed his own surgical procedure and found it so bad that he committed the office version (B before A) to paper; I have independent confirmation of his original version (A before B) in the pathology requisitions.
- There was a limitation on the surgical consent. He failed to follow it.
An adult who lies once might do it again; only 6 weeks had elapsed.
The pain required 60 Oxycodone pills; it took 18 months to resolve. My ulnar nerve was injured during surgery.
No one wearing a hospital bracelet should have to improvise a change in plan. In both these instances, the patient should go home without surgery and start over next week.
This story was reported, with all the paper trail, to institutional, peer reviewers, the state medical board, hospital surveyors (JCAH) and HHS personnel. According to its own website, his name remains on the medical staff of the institution.