Medical records in file cabinet at doctor's office.

A History of Knowledge

Upon moving from provider to patient, and with the dawn of healthcare reform with the Obama Administration’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, retired physician Dr. Nancy Stead has become a patient advocate and ethics watchdog in the profession of health care.

A Statement from Dr. Stead

“It is my hope that this blog serves to educate the healthcare consumer of their rights and the limitation of rights in the current system, but more importantly become aware of the pitfalls and dangers of this current system and enact change. It will take community awareness and public demand to see measures enacted to protect the healthcare consumer and provide them a voice when proper protocol is not followed.”

Male doctor sitting with female patient by window, smiling

What You Can Do

Contact your state and federal legislators and ask for reform efforts to be made that protects your right as a patient and holds physicians accountable.

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